Dignity Home

Dignity Home

Dignity Home set up in January 2010 , is a home for the elderly. The objective is to provide elderly care in a conducive environment where their needs are taken care of. We also provide day care services for families who are not able to care for their aged loved ones during the day.

Our activities include:
•    Counselling Sessions
•    Group Activities
•    Sharing
•    Exercises


敬老之家 成立于2010年,旨在实行社区关怀的责任,我们以爱心服事乐龄人士。

•    辅导服务
•    团体活动
•    分享会
•    体操等

For more information, contact Mr. Tham Chee Keong at 016-298 1298

Address :
10A, Jalan Mewah 6/9,
46000 Petaling Jaya
