Kenosis turns 15! And this is a major milestone in its journey. Since its inception in 2001, God has always been faithful !
Many came for the celebration held at Bible College of Malaysia (BCM) on 4th September, 2016 and we would like to thank you for being a part of this significant event. We would also like to congratulate all 21 graduands and pray that they will continue to press on, be a blessing and their testimonies bear witness to His glory. May they be reminded that it is through the Lord and from Him, they were freed from the bondage of drug addiction. Let us pray that they will not fall into temptations again.
THANK YOU to all fellow workers, volunteers, supporters, prayer partners, friends and families for your encouragement, support and contributions. Kenosis would never have journeyed so far till now and be where it is, if not for your PARTNERSHIP!
We praise God every time we remember you. May God keep all of us in His love.
Foreword | 序言
by Rev Dr. Philip T.Y. Siew | 萧帝佑
Principal of Seminari Theoloji Malaysia (STM)
The LORD promised prophet Ezekiel He would restore the people of Israel who were hopeless because of the destruction of their nation due to their great sins, just as He resurrected the dry bones to become a great army (Ezekiel 37:1-14)! The LORD accomplished His mighty work through the power of His Word and Spirit!
Likewise, the LORD also raises those who become hopeless, who are dead in their transgressions and sins (drug addictions) through His word of life, the power of the Holy Spirit and the resurrection of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:1-9). He does so to make those He raises His wonderful handiwork so that they will be and do good (2:10); that they would become good soldiers of Christ Jesus (2 timothy 2:3), and shine like stars for the Lord in a crooked and depraved generation (Philippians 2:15) to bless others for His glory!
From its beginning until now, for fifteen years, the “Kenosis Center” has been preserved and used by our almighty God to bear wonderful witness and to fight a fine spiritual battle for the Lord! I am confident that if the co-workers continue to, in unity, rely upon God – His promises – and the power of His Spirit, we will be able to press on – grace upon grace, strength to strength, glory to glory, and victory to victory! When we are able to commit wholeheartedly our lives together for the Kingdom of God, we will be able to witness His promise fulfilled, “…the present glory will be greater than the former…” (Haggai 2:9)
Soli Deo gloria! (To God be all the glory!)