Grace Chan

A Bruised Reed He will not break

My name is Grace Chan. I am 48 years old. I have a husband, a daughter and son-in-law plus a grand daughter. Though I have believed in the Lord Jesus Christ for almost 15 years, my life was in a mess.

I was addicted to sleeping pills and alcohol for the past ten years or more.  I used to take more than seventy sleeping pills with alcohol in a day, just like eating rice and drinking water.  Thank God I am still alive.  Very often, I forgot what I had done. When I was in my clear mind, I regretted what I did under  the influences of the drug and alcohol. I told myself that I wanted to get out of the addiction. I have tried using my own strength to change  but it lasted only for few months, and then later I became addicted again. As a result, I gradually lost my thinking ability and my relationship with family was badly affected

(Isaiah 42:3 says “A bruised reed he will not break… faithfulness he will bring forth justice”). 

God who is gracious and loving led me to Rainbow Home, a christian drug rehabilitation for women. When I surrendered myself completely to God knowing that I can’t do it by my own efforts, He began to slowly work in me. Now I have overcome my addiction with His strength and am free from the bondages of drugs and alcohol. I have completed my rehabilitation programme and am now serving in Rainbow Home. Rainbow is the place to help those who are addicted to drugs and alcohol to overcome the addiction through life in Jesus Christ.  I thank God for His faithfulness and unfailing love (2 Corinthians 1:4 … who comforts us in all our troubles…..) and the prayers of brothers and sisters in Christ and support of my family.  I am also thankful for being able to serve Him in this ministry.  Glory unto Him.

(Grace Chan is currently serving in Rainbow Hope Womens Home as a part-time staff).


很多时候也忘记了自己做过的事情,偶尔清醒时就很后悔吃了药不清醒时所做的一切事情,就会对自己说应该戒掉了,就靠自己的力量去戒,可以的~可是不长久可能几个月又来了,就在我被安眠药、酒捆绑的日子里我已经没思考能力就连要说一句话也说不上来,更别说与家人的关系,感谢主,祂是一位满有恩慈的一位神,以賽亞書: 42:3 壓傷的蘆葦,他不折斷,將殘的燈火,他不吹滅…祂把我带到了彩虹之家,是一个神的家,这一次我是完全降服在祂面前,我知道靠我自己的力量我戒不掉,就在我顺服的时候神动工了。感谢主现在我不需要靠安眠药才能睡觉了,我可以很自由的说我靠着神夸胜了。我也在彩虹之家完成了我的课程,现在我留在彩虹之家事奉,彩虹之家是帮助一些吸毒者、或被酒、药捆绑的姐妹靠着主生命得着改变勇敢站起来。感谢主不离不弃的爱。哥林多後書:1:4 我們在一切患難中,他就安慰我們,叫我們能用神所賜的安慰,去安慰那遭各樣患難的人。谢谢家人对我的包容也谢谢家组的弟兄姐妹为我代祷。感谢主给我有这个平台能服事主、服事人。将荣耀归给神。