Struggling with drug addiction
I entered a Christian drug rehabilitation centre with a broken heart and a hopeless future and life. It was there that God healed, changed, called & accepted me.
After having addicted to heroin for more than twenty years , I was arrested and put into jail and also in the government run drug rehabilitation centre. My life was spent living in darkness and sadness. I was looked down, rejected and despised by the society. Every night, I would carry carton boxes and look for places to sleep in the streets. I have slept in broken houses and back lanes in the city. When it rained, I would walk to corridors of shops waiting for them to close their business after ten o’clock at night so that I could sleep. The next morning, I would pack up , keep my carton box and leave early before six o’clock. I have lived a vagrant life like this for many years. When I could find a job, I would work to earn some money to satisfy my needs. If I could not, I would then rob, steal or sell drugs and become a slave to drugs!
Once, I fell from the height of ten feet during my work and injured my legs. I did not bother about it at that time because it did not cause me much pain. Gradually, my health deteriorated and I found it difficult to walk and lift my right leg. I faced many difficulties in surviving and needed to depend on crutches to walk. One day, I met a christian friend who introduced me to Kenosis Home, a Christian drug rehabilitation centre in Kuala Lumpur.
A new life
When I entered Kenosis Home I was depressed and felt life was hopeless . I had my operation done twice on my leg but these were not successful. Life was miserable each day in the centre without much improvement, until one day, I read a book of testimonies (written more than ten years ago) that touched me and changed my life. The testimonies and words in the book encouraged me greatly. Though I was physically disabled on the wheelchair at that time, I felt my life was ‘not disabled’. I thought to myself, “If others who are physically worse than me can live happy and meaningful lives, why couldn’t I?!”
When I began to reflect more about life, I began to gradually walk out of the bondages of darkness and sin. I began to move on with hope. I read the bible, prayed and got to know God and Jesus Christ more each day. My perspectives, and values of life begin to change. I was no longer lost but gained joy, hope and courage to face the days ahead. God healed me of my inner being gradually by giving me breakthroughs, set me free from the inner bondages of sin. God has blessed me today with a life partner and a daughter. I am very grateful to Him!
After having completed the program with Kenosis, I decided to stay back in the center to serve God! I am now very much involved with Street Feeding ministries that help to distribute food to the needy. I have also spoken and shared in forums and Drug Awareness campaign to youths in schools.
~ Lew Koon Fook~
(Lew Koon Fook or ‘Ah Lew’ (as his friends fondly calls him) walks with a limp today but he is able to serve and go about in his work with much joy and strength from God. He is thankful to God for giving him a new lease of life when he found and trusted Jesus in 2002. He is currently a staff with Kenosis Home and has been serving faithfully for the past 10 years.)
我带着一个很破碎的心情和无盼望的人生, 更加没有将来, 进入了福音的戒毒所休养. 在戒毒所, 神医治, 改变, 呼召和接纳了我.
我染上不好的习惯, 就是吸毒海洛因. 我坐过监狱也进过政府戒毒所. 我在毒海漂浮了二十几年, 相当长堕落的日子. 当时我的生活很黑暗, 也很悲哀. 这种生活是离群的, 被社会拒绝和看不起. 每晚我都是露宿街头, 手上拿着纸箱皮到处找地方睡觉. 有些破烂的屋也是我睡的地方,在城市的小巷也是我睡的地方. 下雨时, 我就要走到人家摆摊口的地方挡风雨. 有时找不到摊口就去店铺前面大门睡. 每晚要超过十点以上才能去找地方睡觉, 因为他们的摊口和店铺要到晚上十点才收摊. 早上六点, 我就收纸箱皮走人,把纸箱皮收藏好晚上又用. 我每天晚上都是这样过生活!早上忙着找钱来满足自己的需要,有工作就做, 没有工作就去抢或者偷和贩卖毒品. 我就这样的变成了毒品奴隶。
有一次工作时, 我不小心从十尺高的地方跌下来, 伤到神经线. 当时觉得无事, 就不去理. 时间一日一日过去, 我的身体开始觉得越来越差, 行路越来越辛苦, 想拿高右脚都很艰难. 这时, 生活开始有问题, 找不到吃了, 行路开始要靠拐杖. 我面对更加艰难的生活困境. 有一日, 我遇到一位弟兄, 介绍我进入福音戒毒中心(虚己之家)!
在戒毒中心, 我仍然带着一个没盼望和自卑的心来度过日子. 我也动过两次手术, 都不是很理想. 这使到我的心情很低落,也没有喜乐的生活,只是在戒毒中心过日子而已,没有什么改变!
有一次, 我读到一本见证书籍, 是在十一年前写的. 书的内容很吸引我. 书的这一句话(虽然我座轮椅, 我残, 但是我没有废)给我很大的鼓励. 我想人家比我更残, 生活的这么开心, 做有意义的事,我何苦这么不开心!
当我有了这样的想法, 就开始慢慢走出黑暗的捆绑, 脱离不好的思想, 积极向前行. 我开始读圣经祈祷, 认识神. 认识耶稣. 当我 越认识耶稣, 我的人生价值观和看法就越不同, 不会再有自卑, 知道自己有盼望. 慢慢的神就医治了我的心灵. 现在, 神给了我勇敢的心去面对前面的挑战和路程. 神给我突破的生命,冲破内心的捆绑,奔向喜乐的生命. 神也赐我伴侣和千金. 我很感恩!
当我被神呼召的时候, 我就留下在福音戒毒中心服事神!
~ 刘观福 ~
( 刘观福 Lew Koon Fook 或人称阿刘,虽然跛脚, 然而内心充满喜乐和来自神所赐的力量在做侍奉神的工作. 他感谢神在2002年赐他新的生命, 接受和相信耶稣. 目前, 他是虚己之家的职员, 并已侍奉了十年. )